Rincian YG yang diduga menjadi perantara pelacuran mengungkapkan + mantan klub perundingan pelacur di bawah umur & VIP mereka

Earlier a preview for MBC’s ‘Straight’ was revealed connecting YG to prostitution mediation, which YG Entertainment denied before it was released. Now the episode has aired and it revealed the details of the allegations.

According to the program’s sources, back in July 2014, several high-ranking figures from YG Entertainment accompanied two Southeast Asian investors to an upscale restaurant in the Gangnam district of Seoul. An anonymous witness claimed, “The people from YG met with the investors at least three times. I also know that famous singers from YG came to talk to them for a long time. There were about eight men and about 25 women invited. I understand that at least 10 of the women were brought by Madam Jung from an adult entertainment establishment. Hwang Ha Na was also there.” The witness continued, “After the meal, they headed to club NB in Gangnam, which has ties with Yang Hyun Suk, and had fun while Yang Hyun Suk watched them from the balcony. The foreign investors chose the women they liked and went back to their lodgings. Most of them came out for dinner the next day. There were a lot of bar girls at every meeting, and they also moved the party elsewhere for a ‘second round.’ Some of the women even went abroad on the investors’ private helicopters.” A famous singer that was present at the meal commented, “I went to say hello, not to accompany them,” adding, “I didn’t know that there was any solicitation of prostitution services. Madam Jung is just a person I know.”

Acara itu juga menunjukkan bagaimana Seungri mengarah pada kecurigaan THE sebelumnya yang tidak pernah diselidiki oleh polisi.

While reportedly mediating prostitution services, Seungri paid for the hotel expenses with YG Entertainment’s corporate credit card. Therefore, there were suspicions that YG Entertainment may have been involved with the mediation of prostitution services, but the police did not investigate the company.

Like before, however, YG denied knowledge of prostitution services. He does admit to knowing Madam Jung, but says he didn’t know why she was there.

Yang Hyun Suk responded by denying any involvement in the alleged mediation of prostitution services, stating, “It’s true that I was present, but I didn’t know that prostitution services were solicited. I didn’t pay for the meal expenses myself. I don’t know anything about it. There was no further contact with the investors. I know Madam Jung, but I don’t know why the women attended.”

Acara ini juga berlanjut untuk berbicara tentang dugaan serangan seksual dan bagaimana seorang eksekutif terkait dengan YGE terlibat.

"Straight" juga mewawancarai seorang wanita yang mengaku telah mengalami pelecehan seksual oleh seorang investor kaya Thailand setelah dibius di klub Burning Sun. Wanita itu menegaskan bahwa seorang eksekutif dari anak perusahaan YG Entertainment YGX telah hadir pada saat itu, menyatakan, “Eksekutif YGX ada di sudut. Melihat ke belakang sekarang, sepertinya dia merawat [investor] Thailand, seperti dia membimbing mereka. ”Namun, investor yang dimaksud muncul di siaran Thailand dan mengklaim bahwa dia tidak memiliki hubungan dengan Seungri. Namun demikian, "Straight" melaporkan bahwa investor ini telah memiliki hubungan dengan YG Entertainment sejak setidaknya 2014.

To explain that, she says the photo of the two of them in the room was under fear.

Setelah mengalami pelecehan seksual, Mr. Bob mengklaim bahwa dia hanya akan membiarkannya pergi jika dia berfoto dengan dia tersenyum. Takut untuk hidupnya, dia menurut.

Dia kemudian pergi ke polisi untuk melaporkan kekerasan seksual, serta kecurigaan tentang obat bius. Ketika Pak Bob menyerahkan foto mereka yang tersenyum sebagai bukti bahwa itu adalah persetujuan, polisi melepaskannya.

This was actually brought up months ago, but had already been dismissed by Thai police.

The woman then contacted the police, but discovered that there was no way that her accusations would hold up as she was shocked to see CCTV footages that showed her walking calmly in to the hotel room with the man. In addition, the photo that she took with the man also served as a notion that made it seem as if she was not forced into the hotel room against her will.
In addition, when forensics attempted to collect traces of GHB in her system, it was too late as an expert pointed out that GHB must be detected in the first twelve to twenty four hours upon administration.

Jadi tidak ada yang baru di sana, dan terlepas dari apakah orang mempercayainya atau tidak, sulit untuk menyalahkan polisi Thailand atas keputusan mereka sebagai pembuktian kasusnya mengingat video dan bukti gambar kemungkinan tidak akan mungkin. Padahal yang baru adalah hubungan yang dilaporkan antara investor dan YGE selama bertahun-tahun.

Selain itu, seperti yang tampaknya semua hal dengan kasus ini, hubungan antara klub-klub Gangnam dan polisi Gangnam dibesarkan.

"Lurus" juga mengangkat kecurigaan tentang hubungan kolusi antara polisi Distrik Gangnam dan klub-klub seperti Burning Sun dan Arena, mendesak polisi untuk menyelidiki tuduhan kolusi dan mediasi pelacuran ini secara transparan.

Pada akhirnya, itu adalah salah satu masalah utama dalam kasus ini, karena polisi telah beroperasi dengan cara yang aneh dan sepertinya tidak ada alasan bagi mereka untuk berubah.


‘Straight’ also talked to a former underage prostitute, telling them that club merchandisers would connect them with VIPs who wanted underage girls.

Miss B, who worked as an underage prostitute at the time, revealed that they got paid 300,000~500,000 for having sex with a customer. They would be set up by a club MD (short for ‘Merchandiser’) and told to entertain a certain VIP for the night.
“You can just think that what goes on at room salons happen at clubs too. If you [have sex] inside the club, you earn about 300,000 won (~$250 USD). If you go outside with them, you earn about 500,000 won (~$420 USD). The MD comes to the room in the morning and gives it to you in cash.” — Miss B
Most of the underage girls are those who ran away from home. Some were as young as middle schoolers who are 14 years old. The VVIPs who spend 10 million won (~$8,500 USD) would specifically ask for underage girls, and they’d take the girls to designated apartments, where they drug them and film themselves sexually assaulting them. They call these videos “pornos”, and the girls were given 1 million won to do this.
“They say it’s easier to find drugs than cigarettes at Gangnam. It’s the worst. You ruin your body and lose your mind too. There are kids who move on to work at room salons, and some stay to work at the club because they still haven’t paid off their debts. Needles are a given at the apartments. If you do drugs and film a porno, you earn about 1 million won (~$850 USD). The most valued customer gets to pick who they want and they chose a girl who’s only 14. The VIPs all know that we’re underage. They specifically ask for underage girls. If an MD tricks the VIPs with a girl who’s not underage, they don’t get paid.” — Miss B

She also made a mention to the cleanup team that had been referred to before by reports from ‘We Want To Know’.

There’s a cremation (clean up) team that comes in after we’re done. I only heard that they exist because they come in after we leave, so I don’t know their faces.
— Miss B

Mantan karyawan Club Arena dan Burning Sun kemudian memberi tahu program bagaimana cara melindungi para VIP biasanya bekerja.

“A former employee of Club Arena, another popular club in Gangnam, revealed that the upper management would take care of cleaning up the tables, seats, and rooms after VIPs had sex inside the club. I saw them talk about cremation in the group chat. They’d tell us to cremate table 20 and so forth. The upper management usually took care of this.” — Past MD at Club Arena
“There are a lot of bathrooms inside the club, so when the VIPs smoke weed or give the women GHB… The VIP rooms have bathrooms inside, so they’d rape the women inside the bathrooms. A lot of the [VIPs] would often leave the women in the bathroom. There was a rule. When we kicked out the victims, we took off their wristbands. That way, we can claim that this person drank somewhere else but came to the club to cause a scene. We take off their bands while exiting the club to get rid of evidence that they were inside Burning Sun. We leave them on the bench outside the club for them to wake up.” — Previous Employee Of Burning Sun

Kesaksian adalah bukti, tetapi saya tidak berpikir saya akan memiliki banyak harapan untuk tuduhan ini dituntut baik karena banyak faktor termasuk ini terjadi di masa lalu, pentingnya orang-orang yang terhubung, dan keterlibatan teduh dari polisi dalam semua ini.

Beberapa di antaranya belum tentu baru, tetapi memang memberikan bukti lebih lanjut untuk laporan lain dan wawasan tentang bagaimana hal-hal itu beroperasi. Jujur, tidak ada yang benar akan mengejutkan saya pada saat ini. Budaya klub jelas merupakan masalah utama, dengan terlalu banyak orang dari latar belakang yang berbeda dan bahkan di dalamnya memberikan kesaksian, dan mediasi pelacuran hampir berstatus quo ketika datang ke pertemuan bisnis di industri ini sehingga hampir tidak mengejutkan.

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