SME mempertimbangkan untuk membagikan dividen karena 2 pemangku kepentingan mempersiapkan surat terbuka yang menyerukan transparansi

Following a report that SM Entertainment had suspicious financial transactions that seemed to be related to them never paying out dividends to stockholders, SME has announced that it will now consider it.

Faced with mounting criticism from shareholders, South Korean entertainment powerhouse S.M. Entertainment announced on May 31 that it will consider handing out dividends for the first time since it went public in 2000.

Mengapa perubahan kebijakan tiba-tiba? Nah, para pemangku kepentingan terbesar ketiga dan keempat mereka sedang bersiap untuk mengirim surat terbuka yang menuntut transparansi.

The agency’s decision came after its third- and fourth-largest stakeholders KB Asset Management and Korea Investment Value Asset Management said they are preparing to send an open letter demanding more transparent management. KB has a 6.59 percent stake, while KIVAM holds 5.06 percent. In particular, they found fault with S.M.’s transfer of around 8.16 billion won ($6.82 million) over the last 10 years to Like Agency, a musical consulting service owned entirely by its founder Lee Soo-man. S.M.’s rivals such as YG Entertainment and JYP Entertainment provide similar consulting services but bagged only 840 million won and less than 500 million won, respectively, last year. The investors are consequently arguing that Lee received at least 10 billion won more than appropriate per year through Like Agency. They also called the setup illegal, saying it’s a form of insider trading. S.M., however, refutes the allegations that the money transferred to Like Agency was done legally.

Ah benar. SME mungkin tidak takut akan akibat hukum, oleh karena itu mereka tidak melakukan apa-apa sampai titik ini, tetapi investor mereka menjadi marah? Oh mereka sangat peduli tentang itu.

Terlepas dari pengumuman dividennya, para investor menuntut lebih banyak transparansi, mengatakan bahwa agensi tersebut harus mengambil langkah-langkah yang lebih mendasar. Harga saham S.M ditutup lebih tinggi sebesar 1,3 persen menjadi 42.800 won, didorong oleh investor yang mengantisipasi tata kelola perusahaan yang lebih baik.

Meskipun keuangan SME mungkin tidak terlalu transparan, yang transparan adalah yang sebenarnya membuat perusahaan mengambil tindakan, dan itu jelas bukan hukum atau rasa etika.

Keyword : kpop news indonesia, kpop news bahasa indonesia

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