Hara aman tetapi dirawat di rumah sakit setelah upaya bunuh diri

Hara reportedly attempted suicide after posting a concerning message on Instagram the night before. Fortunately, she was found in time by her manager, and while she is reportedly hospitalized, she is thankfully also alive.

On the previous night, she posted an image with the word “Goodbye” on her Instagram, leading her manager to be concerned about her safety and contact her. Goo Hara did not pick up, and her manager rushed to her house to find her unconscious.

Menurut Yonhap News, Goo Hara tetap tidak sadarkan diri pada pukul 11:30 pagi KST, tetapi napas dan nadinya normal.

Berita mengerikan dan seseorang hanya bisa berharap bahwa dia membuat pemulihan penuh. Berharap yang terbaik untuk maju, jelas.


If you would like to talk to someone, please don’t hesitate to seek help and reach out. Click here for a list of international hotlines that you can call, and if you can’t find your country listed, please call your local emergency number.

Be vigilant for warning signs and take appropriate action.

Keyword : kpop news indonesia, kpop news bahasa indonesia

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