Seunghoon WINNER dilaporkan berhubungan dengan 'A' (Han Seo Hee) tentang B.I + detail lebih lanjut tentang pertemuan HSH / YG

Following reports that YG tampered with a witness in the drug case involving B.I, it’s now being reported that Seung Hoon of WINNER communicated with Han Seo Hee (who is ‘A’, which she recently revealed herself) at the time as some kind of mediator of the situation.

On June 14, Dispatch reported that Han Seo Hee was allegedly contacted by WINNER’s Lee Seung Hoon before she was questioned by the police for charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act in August 2016.
According to the report, Lee Seung Hoon contacted Han Seo Hee on June 1, 2016, and requested to talk on the phone.

The texts that led to this weren’t much.

Lee Seunghoon: Where are you?
Han Seo Hee: At home
Lee Seunghoon: Have you met Kim Hanbin (B.I) recently?
Han Seo Hee: Kim Hanbin? About a month ago? Is that recently? Anyway, I saw him about a month ago

Lee Seunghoon: Hey. What are you doing
Han Seo Hee: I’m eating while watching TV. What’s up with the private message?
Lee Seunghoon: I’m going to tell you something really important. Pay attention and respond quickly to me
Han Seo Hee: Okay, I will
Lee Seunghoon: Wait, let me just take this call
Han Seo Hee: Okay, take it
Lee Seunghoon: 010XXXXXXXX. Call me please

Meskipun setelah panggilan telepon, pihak lain terlibat, diduga atas nama Seunghoon.

During the phone call, Lee Seung Hoon told Han Seo Hee that B.I tested positive for a drug test that was initiated within YG Entertainment at the time. Lee Seung Hoon also notified Han Seo Hee that B.I told YG employees that he used illegal drugs with her.
At the end of the phone call, Lee Seung Hoon reportedly asked Han Seo Hee to meet him at the YG building in the neighborhood of Hapjeong. However, when Han Seo Hee arrived at the building, she was greeted by a YG representative known as “K” instead. “K” allegedly told Han Seo Hee that they are meeting her on Lee Seung Hoon’s behalf and asked her to keep the incident about B.I to herself.

YG sekarang telah mengakui mengambil teleponnya dalam pertemuan dengan Han Seo Hee di mana dugaan perusakan terjadi, tetapi masih membantah melakukannya.

When Dispatch later questioned Yang Hyun Suk regarding his meeting with Han Seo Hee, Yang Hyun Suk said, “It is true that I took away [Han Seo Hee’s] phone. I was worried that she would record our conversation. However, I was careful with my words. I told her that we initiate a drug test twice a month, but Han Bin (B.I’s given name) has never tested positive. I told her that she will be cleared of her charges if B.I tests negative to a drug test. She then got scared and willingly changed her statement.”
However, Han Seo Hee remembers the conversation differently. Han Seo Hee is arguing that Yang Hyun Suk forced her to change her statement by saying that he has ways to look at her statements. Yang Hyun Suk also allegedly offered Han Seo Hee to pay for her lawyer and to compensate her.

Jika Anda seperti saya membaca semua ini, maka Anda bertanya-tanya apa sebenarnya yang dilaporkan tentang keterlibatan Seung Hoon. Yah pengacara Bang Jung Hyun mengatakan bahwa dia seharusnya menjadi mediator, meskipun tidak jelas apakah dia diarahkan untuk melakukannya oleh YG atau tidak.

Pada 14 Juni, pengacara Bang Jung Hyun, yang mengajukan kesaksian mengenai obat bius tahun 2016 kepada Komisi Anti Korupsi dan Hak Sipil atas nama Han Seo Hee, juga mengungkapkan bahwa seorang anggota kelompok anak laki-laki dari YG Entertainment berusaha menyembunyikan kasus tersebut. Pengacara muncul sebagai tamu pada siaran 14 Juni dari CBS "Kim Hyun Jung's News Show" dan berkata, "Sulit untuk mengungkapkan [informasi] sekarang, tetapi ada insiden di mana anggota dari kelompok anak laki-laki yang berbeda bertindak sebagai mediator antara YG dan Han [Seo Hee] dan berusaha menyembunyikan kasus narkoba. Kami tidak tahu apakah ia melakukannya sendiri, setelah diperintahkan melakukannya, atau karena hubungan pribadinya dengan Han Seo Hee. ”

Itu jelas merujuk pada Seunghoon.

Meskipun Han Seo Hee sendiri tampaknya tidak berpikir dia tahu apa yang sedang terjadi.

On August 30, 2016 when she was re-investigated, her statements changed. When police asked her about the Kakaotalk conversation with Lee Seunghoon, she denied any involvement with them. She also told police that Lee Seunghoon did not know the full situation either.
“B.I was caught using drugs in YG’s drug test. Lee Seunghoon asked me if I had met B.I recently, and there was big trouble. I said it seemed like he got caught using marijuana, and I was not involved with that.”
— Han Seo Hee

Jadi ya, seperti yang diharapkan, ini hanya menjadi lebih berantakan dan berkembang seiring waktu. Meskipun saat ini sepertinya tidak terlalu jelas

Keyword : kpop news hari ini, kpop news update hari ini

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